The Executive Director of Liberal Integration Foundation – Mrs. Birshen Ibryamova took part in an online seminar on “Prevention and Combating Violence Against Women and Girls”. The seminar was organized by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Warsaw on November 16-17, 2021. Over than 400 representatives of OSCE participating States, OSCE institutions and OSCE executive structures, representatives of inter-governmental organizations, representatives of civil society, and researchers from the 57 participating States was participate.
The event aims was to discuss the implementation of OSCE commitments on preventing and combatting violence against women, including effective prevention, protection and prosecution mechanisms, as well as the consequences of violence against women – affecting women’s participation in the civic and political space. The seminar was addresse among others, the topics of violence against women also in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic and its longer-term effects, sexual and gender-based violence and conflict, violence against women in political and public life, and violence against women living in situations of vulnerability, such as migrants, refugees and displaced persons, and persons at risk of displacement, due to their social, economic or other circumstance as well as experiencing multiple forms of discrimination.